Gingerade Elixir


1/3 Fresh Ginger Juice

1/3 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar

1/4 Fresh Lemon or Lime Juice (fresh is best)

1/2 cup Maple Syrup

4 cups of water

Ginger and Lemon are a super powerful combination in this drink! And if lemons are not your thing, switch them out for limes! This drink keeps you hydrated, and it’s refreshing and fun. First I began cutting up the ginger and peeling off the skin, which can be done with a spoon, or peeler. I added about 4 bundles of ginger to a blender and 1/4 cup of water, if it looks a little thick, add some more water, I usually blend 2 to 3 times to extract as much ginger enzyme as possible. I transfer that to a strainer, or nut bag and squeeze out excess liquid to separate the pump from the juice. I often save ginger juice if there is any left in fridge for other recipes, extra ginger juice can also be frozen in ice cubes for upto 6 months.

Lastly, I add all the fresh made ingredients to a glass jar or pitcher and stir.


Cowboy Caviar